Steam ironing is supported by the latest equipment and handling manually under the supervision of skilled technicians who have been carefully selected on the basis of experience an...
As ladies garments must be dealt with in special way this section is provided with the most sophisticated machines and equipment qualifying us to deal with the most complicated ga...
We are considered the pioneers in cleaning and treating leather as we treat leather goods such as jackets sofas bags etc We also re-dye the leather or change its colors to ge...
We wash carpets in a scientific and thoughtful manner supported by the latest international machines which preserves the colors of the carpets and prevents their overlap especial...
Al Rahden Laundries are characterized by the service of washing glass facades and cladding facades in modern ways and advanced equipment away from the old traditional methods ...
Is a commitment to provide the finest customer service in the field of laundering napkins with experience more than 25 years ...
We provide a top quality of linen cleaning services to achieve smooth mess you for mattresses and sheets and this is the difference in excellence ...
Quality and special care for cleaning towels that smell soft and smell good after washing ...
Fatal error: Uncaught ValueError: fread(): Argument #2 ($length) must be greater than 0 in /home/alrahdenlaundry/public_html/E/include/footer.php:12
Stack trace:
#0 /home/alrahdenlaundry/public_html/E/include/footer.php(12): fread(Resource id #5, 0)
#1 /home/alrahdenlaundry/public_html/E/Solutions.php(283): include('/home/alrahdenl...')
#2 {main}
thrown in
/home/alrahdenlaundry/public_html/E/include/footer.php on line